Date Arithemetic Arithmetic Expressions

Arithmetic Expressions





( )

Arithmetic functions are allowed in SELECT and WHERE clauses.

Query 22:

SELECT descr, price, price*0.1 "discount"

FROM items

WHERE price >= 4000


Query 22 - Result:

Descr Price Discount
Power Supply 4000 400
MS-DOS 6.0 5000 500
MS-Word 6.0 8000 800

Query 23:

SELECT descr

FROM items, ord_items

WHERE price*qty > 250000

and items.item# = ord_items.item#;

Query 23 - Result:

Power Supply
MS-DOS 6.0
MS-Word 6.0

Date Arithemetic

Date + No. of days

Date - No. of days

Date – Date

Query 26:

SELECT ord#, orddate+15 "Supply by"

FROM ord_aug;

Query 26 - Result:

Ord# Supply by
101 17-AUG-94
102 26-AUG-94
103 05-SEP-94
104 12-SEP-94
105 14-SEP-94
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